Karen Kaler
Karen Fults Kaler, author of Eastcliff: History of a Home, previously wrote two children’s books about Eastcliff, Rusty Goes Swimming and Weenie Meets Helen Keller, as well as children’s books What Should I Be When I Grow Up by Goldy Gopher and Born on Groundhog Day: A story of waiting and hope for friends and families of premature babies. She co-authored a paper titled “The Lives of Presidential Partners in Higher Education Institutions,” and a follow-up article “Evolving Roles for Presidential Spouses and Partners.”
She is currently working on a book project titled History with a Southern Accent. The first book begins in 1600s Jamestown, Virginia, and spans generations of families across nearly three centuries.
Karen was born in Nashville, Tennessee. She received a BFA and did graduate study in studio art. She had a thirty-year career in communication design before she focused on writing. She lived in Eastcliff from 2011 to 2019, while her husband, Dr. Eric W. Kaler, was president of the University of Minnesota. They and their 143-pound rescue dog, Adelbert, currently live in the official residence of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where Eric is the president. They are parents to two adult sons and grandparents to two adored granddaughters.

Get in Touch – KalerBooks@gmail.com

Author photos by Lynn Spinnato.
Other photos, unless credited otherwise, by Karen Kaler.
For questions or inquires, you can reach me at KalerBooks@gmail.com.